“Tai Chi Quan as a complete stand-up martial art”
The health benefits of Tai Chi Quan have been welcomed and recognised worldwide, but as a stand-up mar<al art, the efficacy of Tai Chi Quan is increasingly being questioned. This mo<vated Master Harvey Lee to strengthen the combat skills in his Tai Chi Quan teaching. Based on the concept of Tai Chi Quan, he summarised his years of traditional martial arts training experience and combined this with modern combat training methods; his teaching formed a complete training system for Tai Chi as a stand-up martial art. At the Academy’s weekly teaching sessions, students achieved great improvement in their Tai Chi combat skills.
An afternoon seminar will be held to help Tai Chi practitioners and martial arts enthusiasts understand the theore<cal framework of Tai Chi Quan for combat, and how to transfer the Tai Chi form practice to combat training.
Tai Chi Quan as a complete stand-up mar<al art Agenda includes:
- Talks on Tai Chi gong fa, combat training and their applications.
- Forms and application demonstrations
- Push hands and Sparing drills
DATE: 17/02/2024 (SATURDAY)
TIME: 2pm – 5pm (Registration opens at 1.45pm)
VENUE: Fitzroy Centre, 22 Church Street, Burwood 2134
COST: $50 per person
Enquiries James at 0415 270 703
RSVP with payment by 15/02/2024
Please transfer money to guarantee your place:
Account Name: Harvey Lee Tai Chi Academy
At the Reference: Your full name, Seminar
BSB 062 188 Account: 1078 0987
And email Lily (lilyllee@hotmail.com) to confirm payment. Cash payment at the door (max attendance 50 people)