Author Archives: Administrator

NSW Chin Woo Team Announcement

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc has started the registration and enrolment of new and old members for the formation of a dedicated Australian Chin Woo wushu team to compete at the 2014 World Chin Woo Championships to be held in mid-August in Shanghai, China.

All respectful kung-fu masters and coaches please help spreading the news and encourage your students and friends, who would like to be part of the Australian Chin Woo wushu team, either as a competitor or observer, to register. The cut-off date for registration is 15/5/2014.

Details of 2014 World Martial Ats Cultural Competition

Further details please contact:
Tel: 0414281098 or Email:

Kung Fu Wushu Australia Nationals 2014

Kung Fu Wushu Victoria will be hosting the 2014 Australian Kung-Fu Wushu Championships. It will be held on May 4, 2014 at Monash University – Clayton Campus in Melbourne.

Registration is due by March 28th 2014 and you can do registration online here:

Competition rules can be found from here:

This Nationals Championships will be used to select the Australian team member for the World Taiji Championships to be held in China this November. If you wish to apply for Australia team selection, you will also need to submit this form.

NSW Chin Woo New Classes Information

Day Time Class Location
Tuesday 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm Tai Chi Beginner Carlingford
Tuesday 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Yau-Kung-Meng Surry Hills
Wednesday 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm Tai Chi Beginner Penshurst
Wednesday 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Tai Chi Beginner Ashfield
Thursday 10:00 am to 11:00 am Tai Chi & Tai Chi Sword Eastwood
Friday 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Yang Style Tai Chi Carlingford
Friday 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Lion Dance & Kung Fu Hurstville
Saturday 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm Lion Dance & Kung Fu Canley Vale
Saturday 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm Lion Dance & Kung Fu Hurstville
Saturday 8:30 am to 11:30 am Traditional Kung Fu Parramatta
Sunday 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Tai Chi and Wushu Marrickville
Sunday 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm Chin Woo Kung Fu Ashfield

Please check the contact detail of each class under ” Class Details ” or
Chairperson: Alice Dong    Tel: 0414 281 098    Email:

NSW Chin Woo Athletic Association Appoints The 14th Board of Members

雪梨新州精武体育會於10月27日成功召開了2013年周年會員大會 (AGM) 由秘書長關學武博士主持。現任會長董蓓師父宣讀了本屆會務工作報告, 詳列過去一年在宣揚中國傳統文化和推廣武術所參與的活動和盛事, 其中包括:

成功主辦了第二屆中華武術節和表彰參加2012年的世界精武大賽取得優異成績的精武武術隊員;參加了2013一系列的社團活動和在悉尼舉辦的大洋洲武術錦標賽事;舉辦了第一次精武傳統潭腿套路培訓講座。今年8月蓓蕾會長也參加了怡保中国精武体育会主辦的第28届馬来西亞全國精武嘉年華會暨世界精武武術文化交流大會,此次大會討論並決定了2014年的世界精武大賽將由上海精武体育總会承辦, 日期定於8月中旬。大會亦期望新州精武體育會能申請承辦2016年的世界精武大賽。董蓓會長覺得這是一項很具挑戰性的艱辛任務,主要是要找到有實力的贊助商來支持。

我會最近榮獲悉尼中國總領事館的特別推荐組成一支代表新州精武體育會10人武術隊由董蓓會長領隊去中國參加在廣州11月27日至12月1日舉辦的 “文化中國,2013全球華人中華才藝(武術) 大賽。這次的賽事是國務院僑辦聯合國家體育縂局為支持海外華僑華人弘扬和傳承中華文化, 促進中華武術文化在海外的發展与繁榮而舉辦。

此次大會依章選出了繼續由董蓓會長領導第十四屆執行理事會成員, 並通過決定我們要推廣宣傳為2014年年的世界精武大賽準備開始訓練和組織一支實力的澳洲精武武術隊參賽。敬請留意。

2013 NSW Chin Woo Open Day

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc will hold a fun and informative 2013 Open Day in mid-December for the promotion of Chin Woo spirit and traditional Chinese wushu culture. This is also an occasion to celebrate the Chin Woo Wushu Team returning from the 2013 Global Chinese Talent (Martial Art) Competition recently held in Guangzhou, China from November 27 to December 1. Please come along to support this meaningful activity for promoting wushu culture and a harmonious community!

When:        Sunday 15/12/2013 from 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Where:      Wilkins Public School (Park Road, Marrickville NSW 2134)


– Sausage sizzle BBQ fundraiser for NSW Chin Woo starts at 12:30 pm

– Tai Chi and Kung-fu Performances starts at 13:30 pm

Notice Of Annual General Meeting 2013

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc. will be held at 13:30 pm on Sunday, 27 October, 2013 at Wilkins Public School, Park Road, Marrickville.

Please forward suggested nominations for the Executive Committee and any items for agenda ASAP to the Secretary’s email address (before 25/10/2013). Also note that only members who have registered and paid up their current membership fees are entitled to vote at the AGM.

Please contact the NSW Chin Woo Secretary for membership renewal payments.

Dr Clifford Quan
Secretary (English)
NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc.
Contact Tel: 9717-3861 or 0405232128

2013 South Pacific Wushu & Sanda Championships

The South Pacific Wushu & Sanda Championships will be held at Ryde Community & Sports Centre on Sunday, 15th September.

There will be Wushu, Tai Chi, Other Kung Fu and Sanda events. Registration information can be found at:

If you wish to represent the NSW Chin WOO at the event, and for further information and enquires regarding the Championship, please contact:

Chairperson: Shifu Alice

The last registration date is 03/08/2013.

NSW Chin Woo Representative Attends 2013 Malaysia Chin Woo Carnival

The NSW Chin Woo Committee has nominated Alice Dong (President) to attend the 28th Malaysia National Chin Woo Carnival and International Chin Woo Wushu & Cultural Carnival 2013, to be held from 7th August 2013 to 12th August 2013 at Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. In conjunction with this auspicious occasion, Malaysia Chin Woo is also celebrating their association’s 89th Anniversary. They have planned a wide range of events consisting of Wushu, educational and cultural activities. to provide an opportunity to Chin Woo Member Associations from all over the world to foster stronger friendship and understanding, to exchange ideas and information on the latest development of Chin Woo worldwide.

NSW Chin Woo Attended AAAB Dinner Function

AAABOn 20/7/2013 the NSW Chin Woo committee represented by Mabel Ly, Alice Dong, Stephen Yoong, Clifford Quan, Daniel Cheung and other members attended the 4th Annual Dinner Function of Australian Asian Association of Bennelong (AAAB) to support the local community celebrating Hugh Lee, President of AABR, receiving Order of Australia Medal (OAM) and Jon Soemarjono, Vice President of AABR, receiving Premier’s Multicultural Medal. Our members had photos taken with politician guests and also raised the Chin Woo profile by a group tai chi performance at the beginning.

Membership Renewal Notice

2012-2013 have been terrific for the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association. We’ve had a lot of activities and enjoyed the company of many old and new members. We are looking forward to participate in the 13th World Chin Woo Championships next year.
Based on the record, many of the active memberships have expired. Please continue to support the growth of the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association and to keep your membership up-to-date.
Any enquiries about your membership status and renewal, please contact the Secretary:
Tel: 9717-3861 or 0405232128
Thank you for your attention.

2013 Malaysia National Chin Woo Carnival

The NSW Chin Woo has been advised that Ipoh Chinese Chinwoo Athletic Association will be organising the 2013 Malaysia National Chin Woo Carnival and International Chin Woo Wushu and Culture Festival from 7th to 12th August 2013 at Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. In conjunction with this auspicious occasion, the Ipoh Chinese Chinwoo Association is also celebrating the 89th Anniversary and would like to take this opportunity to extend their invitation to all Chin Woo Associations around the world to participate in this joyous event.

Please contact 0414281098 (Alice), 0411199113 (Yoong) or 0405232128 (Cliff) if you want to attend this great event in Malaysia. Please note the final registration is due on 15/6/2013.

NSW Chin Woo Celebration Dinner

A celebration dinner to welcome a joyous return of the NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team from a successful 2012 World Chin Woo Wushu and Culture Festival was held on Monday 18/03/2013 at 7 pm at the Golden Times Chinese Restaurant in Ashfield Leagues Club. The NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team members shared their experiences with other members on the Chin Woo wushu competition in Tianjin and are looking forward to take part in next year’s World Chin Woo Championships in China.

2013 Sydney Wushu Festival

The 2013 Sydney Wushu Festival, jointly organised by the NSW Chin Woo Athletic Association and Rainbow TV Australia, took place in Club Burwood on Sunday 27/01/2013. The event has again attracted an overwhelming support by many wushu groups in Sydney.

The NSW Chin Woo Association has created a good platform to unite all martial art organisations, making friendship through sharing martial art skills, with the same aims of promoting Chinese Wushu culture and Chin Woo spirit. Continuing from the previous Wushu Festival in 2011, this event also gave us a momentum to make the Wushu Festival as a yearly cultural event with tai chi and kung fu performance.

The 12th World Chin Woo Championship, China 2012

This international event was held in Tianjin, China from October 26-31, 2012, and was attended by over 500 competitors from 16 countries and regions of China. The NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team achieved 2 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals in the individual wushu and tai-chi events. We also achieved second place for the group tai chi competition.

While in China, the NSW Chin Woo Team also took the opportunity to compete at the 5th World Traditional Wushu Championships (WTWC), which was staged in Huangshan, Anhui province of China. This great event attracted over 2,800 participants of 245 teams from 55 countries and regions competing in the three-day competition running from Nov 8 to Nov 10, 2012. The NSW Chin Woo Team also achieved outstanding results in the WTWC with a total of 4 gold and 5 bronze medals for the individual tai chi, and a set of bronze medals for the group tai-chi competitions.

2012 NSW Chin Woo 36th Anniversary Dinner Function

A dinner function was successfully held on Saturday 22/9/2012 to celebrate the diplomatic relationship of 40 years between China and Australia and the 36th anniversary of the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association in addition to the formation of a dedicated NSW Chin Woo Team to represent Sydney at the 2012 World Chin Woo Championships in Tianjin, China.

The dinner function was well received by VIP guests and Chin Woo members with spectacular lion dance and wushu performance entertainment programs.

2012 NSW Chin Woo Press Conference

The NSW Chin Woo successfully held a press conference at the New Marigold Chinese Restaurant, China Town, Sydney on lunch time Monday 25/6/2012 to announce the formation of a dedicated Australian Chin Woo Wushu Team to compete in the upcoming 12th World Chin Woo Wushu Tournament & Culture Festival to be held in Tianjin on 18-23th October, 2012.

The press conference was attended by current committee members, VIP sponsor guests, Chinese TV media and newspaper reporters.

2012 Chinese New year Twilight Parade

The City of Sydney’s annual Chinese New Year (CNY) Festival is the largest Lunar New Year celebration outside Asia. In the celebration of the auspicious year of the Dragon, the NSW Chin-Woo assembled an impressive parade team to participate in the 2012 CNY Twilight Parade. The Chin Woo parade group included a light-up dragon and 2 lion groups followed by a walking group of martial art students to show case the traditional Chinese culture by performing dragon and lion dance as well as wushu movement synchronizing with the drumming music.

The CNY Twilight Parade has provided a good platform and excellent opportunity for the wider Australian community groups working together in promoting health and enriching Sydney’s multi-cultural society harmony.

2011 Sydney Kung-fu and Tai-chi Festival

This great martial art event was organised by the NSW Chin Woo Athletic Association and took place on Sunday, 4th December 2011 at 1:30 pm at the Wilkins Public School, Park Road, Marrickville.

The audiences enjoyed the following awesome martial art shows performed by a total of 140 athletes.

Group and individual performances from the following groups, in no preferential orders, were Pei-Lei Chinese Wushu, David Choi Yau-Gong-Men, Da Hung Kung Fu Club, Australian Shaolin School, Shaolin Kung Fu School, Liu-He Ba-Fa Fitness Academy, Indo-Chinese Youth Sport Association, Wing Chun Academy , UTS KFC , Penny Gulliver of the Self Defence Academy, Master Zhang Song Wei of the former Shanghai Team and his students.