School holiday Bajiquan Workshop

School Holidays Workshop Announcement!

Bajiquan Workshop with Master Mark Sun.

NSW Chin Woo Association is hosting the first workshop of the year: an introduction to the traditional martial art of Bajiquan with instructor Mark Sun.

NSW Chin Woo Association Members / Students and Children: $30
Non-Members: $45

Bajiquan is an explosive, close-range wushu style from the Hebei Province.

Master Sun is an eight-generation instructor of Bajiquan from Cangzhou and international wushu gold medallist.

  • When: Sunday, 16th July 2017
  • Time: 10am to 12.30pm
  • Where: Wilkins Public School in Marrickville.
  • To register interest, please contact Shifu Alice: 0414281098

NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team’s triumphant return from 2016 World Chin Woo Championships


第十四屆世界精武武術文化大會7月22日-25日在美國達拉斯隆重舉行, 澳大利亞代表團21日由澳大利亞新洲精武會會長董蓓師傅(Master Alice Dong)帶隊抵達, 並在當天下午參加世界精武聯誼會會長會議及代表澳大利亞參加了開幕式演出,贏得了全場熱烈的掌聲。









2016 NSW Chin Woo Introduction

Chin Woo is one of the earliest community sport organisations in China for the promotion of traditional Chinese martial arts. The Shanghai Chin Woo Athletics Association is the first Chinese martial arts association founded in 1910 by Huo Yuanjia. Many Chin Woo Athletics Associations have since established in over 50 countries around the world. The Australia Chin Woo has been established in Sydney since 1976. In the last 40 years the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association, a non-profit organisation, has created a good platform to unite all martial art organisations, with the same aims of promoting Chinese Wushu culture and developing a harmonious multicultural society in Australia.

The first World Chin Woo Championship was held in Shanghai in 1990 and it was decided that such an important cultural event should be held once every two years. In October 2012 and August 2014, the 12th and 13th World Chin Woo Championships were successfully held in Tianjin and Shanghai China, respectively. The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association assembled a dedicated Chin Woo Wushu Team to participate in these two international events and obtained outstanding results. This year, the World Chin Woo Martial Arts and Championship and Cultural Festival will take place in July 22-25, 2016 at Dallas, Texas, USA. All Chin Woo members around the world are welcome to participate in competitions for traditional kung fu and tai chi, wushu, wing chun, sparring and push hands, sanda and chi-shou. We are looking forward to have more members to form a NSW Chin Woo Team to attend this World event in the USA.

Please visit the NSW Chin Woo website for further details.
Contact Alice 0414281098.

2016 Australia Day Celebration – Tai Chi Practice Event Announcement

The New South Wales Chin Woo Athletics Association has carried on the Chin Woo spirit and has been working hard to promote the traditional Chinese wushu culture. Alice Dong, President of NSW Chin Woo, has recognized that tai chi exercise is worthy to advocate and promote as a community recreation activity. In the celebration of 2016 Australia Day, simultaneously promoting tai chi exercise for health and spreading the Chin Woo spirit in the Australian community, the New South Wales Chin Woo Athletics Association, Pei-lei Wushu Center and the Eastwood Tai Chi Group are working together to hold a free Tai Chi Event at the Eastwood Mall on Tuesday at 8:30 morning, January 26, 2016.

On this special day, we welcome people of different countries, skin color and cultural background to participate and experience the inner harmony and health from the tai chi exercise.

Please visit the following websites for detailed information of the event: or

Please also spread the news and come to support this meaningful event.
All enquiries to Alice Dong 0414281098

Pei-Lei Wushu Successfully Held a Year-End Wushu Cultural Promotion Activity

The Pei-Lei Wushu Centre held an end-of-year function on Sunday 13/12/2015 at Marrickville Wilkins Public School. The event was attended by nearly 100 students and guests. Students from all classes come together to show-case their achievements with a series of wushu and tai chi performances as a meaningful event for wushu cultural promotion.

The performance program consisted of group and individual demonstrations on wushu basic movements, traditional wushu fists and weapons, Chin Woo tao-lu, bagua-palm, Yang and Chen tai chi forms. Master Alice Dong put on a spectacular double-hooks wushu weapon and bagua-palm performances in front of the guests and was rewarded with a huge round of applause.

Everyone stayed back after the event to network and to sample the finger foods and snacks brought in by the students. Group photos were then taken to end the party, and everyone is looking forward to meeting again next year.

In addition, the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association and Pei-Lei Wushu Centre will be participating in the following 2016 Australian Day event, and the Chinese New Year Lunar Lanterns Community Programs organised by the Sydney City Council:
(1) Tuesday Jan 26, 2016 Australian Day Tai Chi Event: Pei-Lei Wushu and Eastwood Tai Chi Group will hold a free Tai Chi Event on that day at 8:30 morning in the Eastwood Mall;
(2) Thursday evening 11/02/2016: Wushu Demonstration in front of the big Dragon Head Lantern;
(3) Saturday afternoon 13/02/2016: Tai Chi Workshop at Martin Place;
(4) Sunday evening 14/02/2016: Tai Chi Demonstration in front of the Tai chi Rabbit Lantern.

Please spread the news and come to support these wushu cultural promotion activities.
All enquiries to Alice Dong 0414281098

NSW Chin Woo Athletic Association 39 Anniversary Celebration


本版訊 澳大利亞新州精武體育會聯合蓓蕾武術學院於上星期日在史卓菲大三元酒家舉辦了慶祝世界精武105週年晚會暨新州精武創會39週年, 同吋祝賀世界武術大賽的新州精武運動員凱旋榮歸暨會長董蓓師父晉升中國武術八段。

大會司儀由敖惠娟主持。主要貴賓有奧本市榮譽市長林麗華, 天和電視王海光, 胡南玫瑰露臘腸林啟榮, 精武名譽會長蔣淀等。

澳大利亞奧本市榮譽市長林麗華和天和電視王海光獲邀請在晚會發言, 他們分別感謝澳大利亞新州精武體育會為發揚中華精武精神,傳播武術文化所做的貢獻, 並肯定會長董蓓的努力付出和領導新州精武。會長董蓓在晚會上致辭,感謝大家大力支持推廣中華武術文化的活動, 感謝去年參加世界武術和精武大賽運動員們取得優異的成績為澳大利亞新州精武爭光。王海光代表康道靈芝贊助獎品並頒獎給運動員。

參加晚會的武術團體有來自蓓蕾中華武術會, 大雄拳會, 國際少林武館, 周志恆六合八法養生學會, 依士活小區太極組, 蔡漢傑柔功門和馬定光詠春等為大會表演太極和武術節目助慶。


Mission Of Shanghai Chin Woo Athletic Federation Visits Australia

新州精武體育會報導:適逢 2015 年是上海精武體育總會成立 105 週年, 為傳承並拓展精武傳統文化和進一步推動精武體育的發展,2015年4月下旬,上海虹口區上海精武體育總會委派世界精武聯誼會會長 顏建平 率領官方代表團一行六人出國訪問澳大利亞悉尼和墨爾本。隨團訪問的還有上海市虹口區委員會副主席 高慶遷 和上海長遠文化集團總經理 陳儉。新州精武體育會會長 董蓓 師父聯​​同理事會書記及骨幹成員特於 21/4 晚在 Don Moore Community Center, Carlingford 的訓練場地歡迎接待代表團貴賓。正在訓練的學生們奉獻太極和武術表演來歡迎 顏建平 會長和代表團成員。雙方互相交流, 交換禮物紀念品和合照。這次的訪問加強了海內外精武友會之間的合作交流聯繫,增進友情,群策群力推動發展精武。次日代表團繼續行程訪問墨爾本。


2015 NSW Chin Woo Celebration Event

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association and Pei-Lei Wushu Center will jointly hold a special dinner function to celebrate the 105th Anniversary of World Chin Woo and the 39th   Anniversary of NSW Chin Woo. This is also a special celebration event for Sifu Alice Dong, President of NSW Chin Woo, for her great achievement on the 8th Wushu Duan-Wei, and the NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team’s triumphant return from the 2014 World Chin Woo Championships in Shanghai, China.

The dinner function will be held at the Crystal Seafood Restaurant (Strathfield), Strathfield Plaza, 14 Churchill Ave Strathfield, NSW 2135 on Sunday 21/06/2015 at 6:00 pm. Entertainment programs include tai chi and kung-fu performances. Please spread the news and pre-purchase your dinner tickets ($60/person). Your donation or sponsorship for the development of NSW Chin Woo is greatly appreciated.

 Contact Tel: 0414281098 or email to:

Congratulations to Master Alice Dong, President of the Pei-Lei Chinese Wushu Centre & NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association, for achieving the Wushu 8th Duan

The Chinese Wushu Duan-Wei System is the official system implemented by the Chinese Wushu Association to overall evaluate and recognise the levels of Wushu practitioners. The first Oceania Wushu Duan-Wei Grading Course and Exam organised by Kung Fu Wushu Australia and Chinese Wushu Association was successfully held in Australia. This has signified a milestone achievement for the development of Chinese wushu in Australia.

The Chinese Wushu Association has paid highly attention to this Duan-Wei Grading Course and Exam by sending an official delegation led by Mr Kang Ge Wu of Wushu 9th Duan and head-in-charge of the Chinese Wushu Duan-Wei System, companying with the following five wushu experts to conduct the training course and judging of the exam:

Ms Zhang Yu-Ping, Wushu 8th Duan; Mr Zhao You-Bin, a famous Yang Taiji Master and Wushu 8th Duan; Mr Sa Jun-Jie, son of the late famous Xing-Yi and Ba-Gua Master Sa Guo Zheng, and Mr Kang Tao, a disciple of the famous Chen Taiji Master Chen Zheng-Lei.

A total of 31 wushu practitioners from various regions of Australia participated in the grading course and exam.


Master Alice Dong, who is the President of the Pei-Lei Chinese Wushu Centre and also the fifth lineage holder of traditional Yang Taiji, has achieved the Wushu 8th Duan.

Alice said that she was very grateful to accept this honour, as it is a big recognition and acknowledgement for her progressive contribution to the development of Chinese wushu culture. She has confidence to continue her effort to prosper Chinese wushu culture in Australia. She was excited to have met the famous Yang Master Zhao You-Bin. Master Zhao came to Sydney for the Yang Taiji teaching and net-working activity after the duan-wei grading course and exam. Students of the Pei-Lei Wushu Centre had an opportunity to meet and to discuss with Master Zhao on taiji topics while having dinner together.


All wushu lovers around the world would have the same aims in making friendship, promoting unification, learning from each other and inheriting the traditional Chinese wushu culture. No matter where we are, we always belong to a big taiji family.

The Pei-Lei Chinese Wushu Centre has been established in Australia for 20 years. The Centre has trained students with excellent achievements in many National and International Championships with many medal awards from gold to bronze. The Center has also made an excellent contribution to the continuing development of Chinese Wushu by successfully training up wushu judges and coaches.

NSW Chin Woo New Class Details


澳大利亞新州精武體育會在悉尼1976年創辦到今年已有40年的歷史,它是一個推廣和發展中國傳統武術,發揚光大精武精神,團結各門派, 以武會友和促進澳大利亞多元文化社會和諧的非牟利組織,一直不停的致力於中國武術的推廣和教學。精武體育會的師父們在不同的地方,不同的時間開設不同的武術和太極班適合人們對學習武術和太極拳的需求。


Pei Lei Wushu Association:
Location: Carlingford, Eastwood, Marrickville
Yang Style Tai Chi and Wushu (Forms and Weapons)

郭平 陈氏太极拳. 王西安拳法。
教课地点:strathfield park;
1、周日上午8.30-9.30 少年儿童武术太极拳班;
2、周日上午9.40-11点 成人养生自卫太极拳班。
教授内容:陈氏太极拳老架一路和二路;陈氏太极拳推手和散手;陈氏      太极剑;陈氏太极拳竞赛套路56式;太极拳养生气功和相关功法。
电话: 0404053218

Mobile: 0414281098,

Notice Of Annual General Meeting 2014


New South Wales Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc.
澳 大 利 亞 新 州 精 武 體 育 會

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc. will be held at 13:00 pm on Sunday, 19 October, 2014 at Wilkins Public School, Park Road, Marrickville.

Please forward suggested nominations for the Executive Committee and any items for agenda ASAP to the Secretary’s email address (before 15/10/2014). Please also note that only life members, ordinary members who have registered to attend and paid up their current membership fees may be entitled to vote at the AGM.

Please contact the NSW Chin Woo Secretary for member renewal payments.

Dr Clifford Quan
Secretary (English)
NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc.
Contact Tel: 9717-3861 or 0405232128

Gold Medals for NSW Chin Woo in 2014 World Chin Woo Championship


The 13th World Chin Woo Martial Arts and Culture Festival (organised by the Shanghai Chin Woo Federation), which included wushu, calligraphy, dragon and lion dance competitions, was successfully held from August 15 to 18 at the Shanghai Hong-Kou Chin Woo Sport Stadium. During the Festival, joint conference of Presidents of World Chin Woo and a workshop for Chin Woo descendants were also held.

The event organiser has invited a great grandson of Huo Yuan-Jia, grandchildren of Nong Jin-Sun, descendants of Chen Gong-Zhe and several previous famous wushu champions of the Shanghai Chin Woo Association to reunite in Shanghai for the celebration of this World Chin Woo event.

This great event was attended by athletes from 15 countries, such as USA, Australia, Germany, Holland, Brazil, Swiss, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore etc., and from the great China regions such as Hong Kong, Tianjin and Shanghai with a total of over 400 participants from 32 Chin Woo Associations. The Australian Chin Woo Team of 20 members led by Alice Dong, three team coaches (masters Wilson Chan, Chen Zhi-Cheng and Boun Lee), and students from the Pei-lei Wushu and Da-Hung Kung-fu Academy attended the event and achieved outstanding results with a total of 4 gold, 4 silvers and 4 bronze medals for the individual wushu and dual sparing competitions.

The NSW Chin Woo Association will be organising a special dinner function to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the team in this World Chin Woo Championship.

Please visit the NSW Chin Woo website for further details. Contact: Alice 0414281098.

NSW Chin Woo 14/6/2014 Dinner Function Report

2014_ChinWoo_Dinner_party          NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team for the 2014 World Chin Woo Championship

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association and Pei-Lei Wushu Center jointly held a celebrating function on the evening of 14/6/2014 at the Don Moore Community Centre, Carlingford. This was to celebrate the NSW Chin Woo Wushu Team going to compete at the 2014 World Chin Woo Championship in August at Shanghai, China. A large contingent of over 200 attendees came to support the celebration event including Masters Boun Lee, Wilson Chan, Raymond Wu, David Choi, Steven Yoong, Santo Ma and Ken Chow with their students, and the Pei-Lei wushu students. Invited VIP guests who were present included Councillor Le Lam of Auburn; Mr Hugh Lee, President of the Australian Asian Association of Bennelong (AAAB); Mr Hardi Lam, representative of the Singtao Chinese newspaper and Ms Arlene Cui, representative of the XKB Chinese newspaper. All attendees expressed well wishes to the NSW Chin Woo team to achieve excellent results in the championships, and enjoyed a fun night with entertainment programs include lion dance, tai chi and kung-fu performances.

Alice Dong, President of NSW Chin Woo mentioned in her speech that,

“The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association has always given support and participated in activities promoting traditional Chinese wushu and culture, these activities have been documented in the NSW Chin Woo website. In recalling the 2012 World Chin Woo Championship in Tianjin China, a dedicated NSW Chin Woo wushu team of 30 members to attend the event was assembled, and the team achieved excellent results. Due to an inappropriate timing for the 13th World Chin Woo event this year in Shanghai, we have managed to assemble a smaller team of more than 10 members to attend the event. We are also lucky to obtain financial donations from our Honourable Chairpersons, Mr Tony Ma, Mr Henry Wong and Mr Jiang Ding for tonight’s function.  We sincerely thank everybody for your continued support for the NSW Chin Woo, and will continue to work hard to develop NSW Chin Woo”.

More photos of the dinner function

Pei-Lei Wushu and NSW Chin Woo Association Shine in Young Festival 2014

A contingent of 12 members from the Pei-Lei Wushu Centre representing the NSW Chin Woo Association had travelled to Young, a historic country town in Southern NSW, to support the celebration of the Lambing Flat Chinese Festival 2014 on Saturday April 12 in Anderson Park. The festival celebrated the contribution of the Chinese to the development of Australia with a new focus featuring a re-enactment of the 1861 Lambing Flat riots, Chinese lion dancing, tai chi and wushu demonstration, and Chinese theatre play at night.

The Pei-Lei/Chin Woo team contributed to the success of the festival by an awesome wushu and graceful tai chi group performances. Video footage of the festival, which was captured by local media, and photo images of the performances have been posted in the Pei-Lei school website gallery. The local media report can be accessed in the below link:

In addition, the NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc has started the registration and enrolment of new and old members for the formation of a dedicated Australian Chin Woo wushu team to attend and compete at the 2014 World Chin Woo Championships to be held in mid-August in Shanghai, China.  The cut-off date for registration is 15/5/2014.

Details of 2014 World Martial Ats Cultural Competition

Further details please contact sifu Alice Dong: 0414281098 or email to:


NSW Chin Woo Party Announcement

The NSW Chin Woo Athletics Association Inc in co-operation with Pei-Lei Wushu Center has organised a special dinner function to celebrate the formation of a dedicated Australian Chin Woo wushu team to compete at the 2014 World Chin Woo Championships in Shanghai, China.

The NSW Chin Woo Dinner Party function detail:

   Location: Don Moore Community Centre,
   Address: North Rocks Road,  Carlingford NSW 2118
   Date: Saturday 14/06/2014
   Time: 6:30 pm.

Entertainment programs include tai chi and kung-fu performances. Please spread the news and pre-purchase your dinner tickets ($40/person).

 Contact Tel: 0414281098 or email to: